International Business

Experts in International Law

Rapid advances in technology and communication have shrunk our world and brought people in distant time zones close together—virtually, anyway. The Internet alone has made it possible to find just about anything anywhere any time without leaving a huge carbon footprint in your wake. This phenomenon has been especially important for innovative entrepreneurs. Technology has empowered small business to expand into national and international markets rapidly and cost-effectively opening the door to allow it to compete with large resourceful corporations.

International Law Experts in
New York

Colby Law Office offer international law services in New York. we provide a comprehensive service tailored to your business & its specific needs.

If you would like to find out more please call us on (212) 292-4232 or book a consultation online today.

How We Can Help You Go Global

While expanding into the international arena may be easier than ever, it presents a myriad of legal questions for those that seek staying power with their international expansion. Traps and caveats related to business structure, import/export laws, tax implications, various compliance issues and even employment and immigration issues become more complex and more expensive as you expand. With so many points to consider, a small business may lose its advantage over its larger corporate competitors with their in-house legal teams. But Colby Law Office can help you level the playing field once again.

Colby Law Office will help you succeed in your operation, whether you are a domestic company thinking of expanding your presence internationally, or a foreign company wishing to do business in the United States. Our attorneys will work with you to identify and anticipate all of the issues your business may face in the process and tailor unique legal solutions in line with your company’s needs and budget.

Client Testimonials
