Contracts and Agreements

Experts in Legal Contracts

Every business owner has, at some point, received the age-old advice to “get it in writing” when referring to memorializing any hand-shake deals and transactions. But we all know that sometimes business moves too fast to go back and forth with a contract. It doesn’t have to be a chore, and it doesn’t have to be time-consuming.

At Colby Law Office, we respond quickly and efficiently to create the appropriate document to protect your interests. Our agreements are drafted in plain language to make the deal clear to all parties concerned. Unfortunately, we have found that most contracts used in business today are of a very poor quality. They are either cut and paste jobs that were pieced together from slapdash internet research passed along like a computer virus or drafted by attorneys that rely on long, legalistic forms taken from law books that haven’t been properly updated since before the commercialization of the internet.

We take a different approach. Our goal is to provide our clients with forms that they frequently use so they can define their business relationships quickly with a few modifications each time they use it. We view contract drafting as an integral part of the deal structuring process. It is a creative process and we collaborate with our clients to get it right. We have the skills to draft and negotiate ANY type of business contract. Contact Colby Law Office and we’ll show you how we can help you structure your business agreements.

Business Law Experts in New York

Colby Law Office offer business law services across New York. we provide a comprehensive service tailored to your business & its specific needs.

If you would like to find out more please call us on (212) 292-4232 or book a consultation online today.

Client Testimonials
