Computer and Internet Law

Experts in Internet Law

Many of our clients find themselves and their business more and more involved with the Internet and computer technology. It may be as simple as setting up a website for your company and developing customer relationships, or as complex as entering into agreements and processing online transactions. The primary focus of your business may also be developing fun and exciting video games, creating digital art or programming complicated software.

While use of technology and online presence spells unlimited potential for commercial growth, expansion and opportunity, it can also present a myriad of unnoticeable legal traps with messy ramifications.

Computer Law Experts in New York

Colby Law Office offer computer & internet law services across New York. we provide a comprehensive service tailored to your business & its specific needs.

If you would like to find out more please call us on (212) 292-4232 or book a consultation online today.

What is Computer Law?

Computer law, which includes Internet law, covers practically all aspects of legal areas including agreements, taxation, intellectual property, licensing, corporate, commercial and even employment law. The list is long. In an attempt to keep up with rapid technological developments, a slew of ever expanding and evolving State, Federal and International legislation imposes various rules and regulations on all of these aspects.

In today’s world a business owner is faced with an unlimited number of questions with regards to technology.

Even a simple introductory Website is actually operating in a legally complex environment and its owner faces many risks.

To begin with, you will be signing website development, implementation and hosting agreements, which need to be properly negotiated in order to properly communicate your needs and to preserve your company’s rights to the site and to any intellectual property associated with it. By the same token, any carelessly added word combination, including your domain name, slogan, image, or even a link to another website may be the source of a future issue with copyright or trademark infringement.

If your site offers products or services, every sale you make is a contract with the customer on the other end of the click. It is important to remember that you are not physically there to negotiate this contract or explain away any of its terms. Practically any and all information you provide on the site can be interpreted as a promise on your part. Unclear wording or lack of a simple disclaimer can lead to disastrous consequences of potential breach of contract, misrepresentations and even accusations of fraud.

How We Can Assist You

Colby Law Office can assist you in drafting all of the documents critical to the effectiveness and success of your business’ use of the Internet and Technology.
Below are some of the services we offer our clients:

  • Purchasing and leasing of computer systems and software, including complete solutions for operating clients businesses;
  • Software licensing agreements;
  • Software and web-site development and construction agreements;
  • Distribution, marketing, and value added reseller agreements;
  • Technology acquisition and transfer transactions;
  • Web-site and e-commerce hosting agreements;
  • Protection, defense, and challenges to Internet domain name registrations (cybersquatting);
  • Fraud, computer and cyber crime;
  • Trade secret and other intellectual property protection and litigation in cases of their misappropriation;
  • Use of computer technology in litigation, including computer-related discovery and investigation;
  • Non-disclosure and non-competition agreements and litigation, as well as the full spectrum of employment law representation through the Firm’s Employment Law Department;
  • Redressing defamation and invasions of privacy;
  • And in conjunction with the Firm’s Business and Tax Department, structuring business organizations, including Internet start-ups, assistance with capital acquisition, representation in purchases and sales of businesses, and providing tax advice and representation to nascent enterprises.

Client Testimonials
