Business Formation and Governance

Legal Guidance For Your Business

As small business owners are well aware, we live in litigious times where anyone who feels that they have been wronged files a lawsuit. Now, more than ever, it is important that small businesses examine their options to determine the correct type of business entity in which to operate. Choosing the right type of business type can save your home and other personal assets being at risk if you are named in a business-related lawsuit.

Businesses of any size can no longer afford to wade through the requirements placed on business without legal counsel.

Business Law Experts in New York

Colby Law Office offer business law services across New York. we provide a comprehensive service tailored to your business & its specific needs.

If you would like to find out more please call us on (212) 292-4232 or book a consultation online today.

Benefits of Working With Us

Colby Law Office provides legal counsel to help our clients avoid the pitfalls of failing to comply with the law and meet legal requirements, regulations and contractual obligations.

We also help our clients avoid litigation and potential liabilities that can be created when a business acts without the advice of an attorney.

In short, Colby Law Office, P.C. can be your “in-house” attorneys providing superior, efficient service at economical prices.

Online services such as Legal Zoom are dangerous because they don’t counsel you on the law for your specific situation. In fact, they cleverly disclaim any responsibility.

Client Testimonials
